“We’re changing the world with technology.”
Bill Gates
At Bader, we aspire for children to be determined and independent when exploring our progressive Computing curriculum, which is ambitious for all pupils. We want children’s learning to be purposeful, building skills for the future, to respectfully and safely engage in an ever-changing digital world, using technology in a creative and positive way.
Computing in Early Years:
Computing in Early Years is based around enjoyable, practical activities linked to computational thinking concepts and approaches. These help to teach children problem solving skills needed for everyday life, and prepare them for the skills which they will acquire through Key Stage 1 and 2. The activities are collaborative and cross-curricular, linked to relevant themes for time of year, for example, Awesome Autumn, Winter Warmers and Summer Fun.
Computing in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2
In Key Stage 1 and 2, we follow a sequence of sessions for each project-based unit: design, apply, refine, evaluate and share. This process allows children to learn specific vocabulary throughout their learning, independently explore the app or technology required for the unit for themselves, allowing them to discover and practise new features before beginning their project, and share their findings with others.
Using their newly acquired skills, children then:
- Design their project;
- Apply their skills to create their project;
- Refine and make improvements;
- Evaluate;
- Share their creation with others
In Key Stage 2, children build on and develop the complexity of the skills which they have gained in Key Stage 1. These include animation, sound, presentation, AR & VR, data handling, video creation, programming and computer networks.
At Bader, children are determined and independent digital citizens. Children learn purposeful skills for the future and respectfully and safely engage in an ever-changing digital world. Children understand the consequences of using the internet and they are also aware of how to keep themselves safe online.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- Photo evidence and images of the pupils’ practical learning on Seesaw.
- Summative assessment of final project and their evaluations.
Pupil discussions and interviewing the pupils about their learning (pupil voice).
Topic Overview
Year 1

Year 2

Year 3

Year 4

Year 5

Year 6