It is Bader Primary School’s policy that all children wear school uniform when attending school or when participating in a school event outside of normal school hours.
Bader School uniform consists of:
- Grey or black trousers, skirt or tunic
- White polo shirt
- Dark green sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo
- Flat, black shoes or plain, black trainers (children will be expected to change into black plimsolls if they repeatedly wear inappropriate footwear)
- Green gingham dress for summer wear
- Grey or black shorts for summer wear
All items of clothing should be clearly labelled with the child’s name. Uniform items are available from:
- Motif8, Mandale, Thornaby.
Jumpers and sweatshirts with the school badge may be ordered from our supplier, Motif8, on a form obtainable from the school office.
Book bags, coats and PE kits with the school badge are also available and you child’s initials can be embroidered onto any item at a small additional cost.
Please ensure that your child’s name is printed in every item of clothing, particularly outdoor wear and wellingtons.
Preloved uniform
We have a small amount of preloved uniform available free to parents. We also accept donations of uniform that is good quality. If you would like to find out more, please contact the school office or a member of staff.
School cannot be held responsible for the loss of, or damage to, articles of value such as mobile phones, watches or toys and so we ask that they are not brought into school. Money should not be brought into school unless for a specific reason, e.g. book fayre etc. Wherever possible, any money brought into school should be brought in an envelope with the child’s name on the front along with the amount enclosed and what the money is for.
Parents are asked not to allow their children to wear earrings, rings, bangles, necklaces etc. in school as they constitute a safety risk. Where earrings have to be worn, children should wear studs. All jewellery must be removed for PE and swimming by the children themselves. Elastoplasts should not be used to cover earrings. Nail varnish, make up and tattoo transfers are not allowed.
Extreme Hairstyles
The school does not permit children to have extreme haircuts that could serve as a distraction to other children and are not in keeping with the ethos of the school. This includes patterns shaved into the hair, excessive use of hair products and false hair. The definition of an extreme hairstyle is at the discretion of the Headteacher. Any hair long enough to be tied back should be.
PE and Games
For health reasons, children need to change for PE and therefore are required to have PE kit for their lessons: Plain dark green t-shirt and black shorts. They also need plimsolls and appropriate outdoor footwear. All PE kit should be named.
PE kit should be left in a PE bag, in school and taken home half-termly.
Personal Property
Whilst we cannot accept responsibility for personal property, we do try to ensure that there is reasonable security within school. There is a ‘Lost Property’ box in the main hall where items that have been found or left in the school buildings will be stored.
Parents and children are able to look in these for items that have been lost. This is so much easier to do if all articles are clearly marked with the owner’s name.
Parents are asked to make sure that this is done.