‘Music can change the world’
At Bader, we are very passionate and convinced that Music can be the soul of a good school. We recognise, respect, acknowledge and celebrate the importance of Music across a range of genres in education and we want to inspire every child at Bader to explore their talents. Through a coherently planned, progressive and ambitious curriculum, Music at Bader aims to help children to develop their listening skills and teamwork and grow in confidence and resilience whilst learning to play a number of instruments.
Teaching of Music in EYFS:
Pupils within EYFS, are introduced to music through the medium of nursery rhymes on a daily basis. Pupils are exposed to music throughout the school day across the curriculum. EYFS children learn, rehearse and perform a Christmas nativity, where they sing a range of songs. Pupils are exposed to the basic fundamentals of music with a term of ‘Snappy Music’ delivered by Tees Valley Music Service and through the use of Charanga.
Teaching of Music in KS1 and KS2:
In Key Stage 1 and 2, we have created a progressive curriculum with the use of Charanga, which develops skills and vocabulary through both key stages. To give children the highest level of teaching and experiences in music, external resources are implemented into our curriculum with a strong partnership between Tees Valley Music Service, Conyers Music and Bader. Every child in KS1 and KS2 is given the opportunity to play a musical instrument. This is progressive developing from percussion instruments to tuned instruments. Children in Key Stage 1 and 2 attend a weekly singing assembly to bring the children together to enjoy singing.
In Key Stage 1, children begin to learn skills, practise and apply. They start to develop their knowledge of key musical vocabulary and apply their understanding through the performance of songs and playing percussion instruments. Key Stage 1 children are also exposed to specialist teaching with a term of ‘Snappy Music’ delivered by Tees Valley Music Service. Key Stage 1 children learn, rehearse and perform a Christmas performance.
In Key Stage 2, children build upon their basic skills in music by developing a further range of musical vocabulary, listen and respond to a variety of musical genres and learn how to read musical notation. These skills are developed and applied by playing tuned musical instruments. Each year group is taught the fundamentals and disciplines of music through lessons delivered by the class teacher and the external expertise of Tees Valley Music Service. In Year 3, children are taught the recorder. Through these lessons, children read musical notation and perform. In Year 4, children are introduced to drumming. Through this they are exposed to a wide range of rhythms, listening to each other and playing to the beat. In Year 5, children are given the opportunity to receive whole class ukulele teaching. This builds upon their skills of reading musical notation and performing together. In Year 6, children are given the experience of learning to play the steel pan drums. This combines all skills taught and developed through Key Stage 2.
Extra Curricular:
Our pupils are provided with exciting musical experiences and opportunities from after school clubs, performances and visits to live music concerts. Bader Choir runs after school and has provided the children with the opportunity to perform outside of school. Bader has seen the visit of British Army Band Catterick into school to perform to all Key Stages, Y4 had the privilege of attending a concert by the Coldstream Guards Band and Stockton Salvation Army Band came into school at Christmas. In addition, pupils receive TVMS private music tuition in school on a weekly basis. Key Stage 1 and 2 have a weekly singing assembly.
Music at Bader enriches children allowing them to explore their talents and provides them with exciting and rewarding experiences. Music encourages children to be creative, determined and enables them to create an understanding and awareness of a broad range of musical genres. Through the study of Music, children will develop their listening and appreciation skills, learn key musical vocabulary, learn to read notation, compose and increase their confidence and teamwork. These skills allow them to work towards delivering a variety of musical performances to demonstrate their understanding.
We measure the impact of our curriculum through the following methods:
- Summative assessment of pupil’s final performances
- Videos and photographs to track progress and learning
Pupil voice and discussions